initialisation | |
C# | |
initialisation | |
C# | |
Le mot
clé __abstract déclare que la
classe cible peut seulement servir de classe de base pour une autre classe.
L'application de __abstract à une classe ou une structure n'implique pas que le résultat
soit une classe __gc ou une structure __gc.Différente de la notion C++ d'une
classe de base abstract, une classe dotée du mot clé __abstract peut définir
ses fonctions membres. |
__abstract |
abstract |
MustInherit |
a value, of type size_t, that
is the alignment requirement of the type.__alignof( type ) |
__alignof |
The __asm keyword invokes the inline
assembler and can appear wherever a C or C++ statement is legal. It cannot
appear by itself. It must be followed by an assembly instruction, a group of
instructions enclosed in braces, or, at the very least, an empty pair of braces.
The term "__asm
block" here refers to any instruction or group of instructions, whether
or not in braces. |
__asm |
The __assume compiler intrinsic passes a
hint to the optimizer. The optimizer assumes that the condition represented
by expression is true
at the point where the keyword appears and remains true until expression is altered (for example,
by assignment to a variable). Selective use of hints passed to the optimizer
by __assume can improve
optimization. |
__assume |
The __based keyword allows you to
declare pointers based on pointers (pointers that are offsets from existing
pointers). |
__based |
Le mot
clé __box sert à créer un
objet managé (dérivé de System::ValueType) à partir d'un objet de classe __value existant. Lorsque le
mot clé __box est
appliqué à une classe __value : |
__box |
This is
the default calling convention for C and C++ programs. Because the stack is
cleaned up by the caller, it can do vararg functions. |
__cdecl |
extended attribute syntax for specifying storage-class information uses the __declspec keyword, which specifies
that an instance of a given type is to be stored with a Microsoft-specific
storage-class attribute listed below. |
__declspec |
une référence de type sécurisé à une méthode de classe |
__delegate |
delegate |
delegate |
l'adresse d'une fonction |
__delegate |
delegate |
AdressOf |
an event. |
__event |
__except |
The __fastcall calling convention
specifies that arguments to functions are to be passed in registers, when
possible. The following list shows the implementation of this calling
convention. |
__fastcall |
__finally |
The inline and __inline specifiers instruct the compiler to insert a copy of the
function body into each place the function is called |
__forceinline |
type __gc est une extension du langage C++ qui simplifie la programmation
.NET Framework en offrant des fonctionnalités telles que l'interopérabilité
et le garbage collection. |
__gc |
a handler method with an event. |
__hook |
l'utilisation de mots clés C++ comme identificateurs. |
__identifier |
__if_exists allows you to conditionally include code depending on whether
the specified symbol exists. |
__if_exists |
__if_not_exists allows you to conditionally include code depending on whether
the specified symbol does not exist. |
__if_not_exists |
The inline and __inline specifiers instruct the compiler to insert a copy of the
function body into each place the function is called. |
__inline |
__int16 |
__int32 |
__int64 |
__int8 |
__interface |
interface |
interface |
of Termination-Handler Execution |
__leave |
The __m128 data type, for use with the
Streaming SIMD Extensions and Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 instructions
intrinsics, is defined as follows: |
__m128 |
__m128d |
__m128i |
__m64 |
__multiple_inheritance |
explicitement un type non managé. |
__nogc |
The __noop intrinsic specifies that a
function should be ignored and the argument list unevaluated. It is intended
for use in global debug functions that take a variable number of arguments. |
__noop |
un objet ou un objet incorporé d'une classe managée d'être déplacé par le
Common Language Runtime pendant l'opération de garbage collection. |
__pin |
soit une propriété scalaire, soit une propriété indexée pour la classe
managée. |
__property |
the call site of an event. |
__raise |
une méthode d'être remplacée ou une classe d'être une classe de base. |
__sealed |
sealed |
NotInheritable |
une méthode d'être remplacée ou une classe d'être une classe de base. |
__sealed |
sealed |
Notoverridable |
__single_inheritance |
The __stdcall calling convention is used
to call Win32 API functions. The callee cleans the stack, so the compiler
makes vararg functions __cdecl. Functions that use this
calling convention require a function prototype. |
__stdcall |
The __super keyword allows you to
explicitly state that you are calling a base-class implementation for a
function that you are overriding. All accessible base-class methods are
considered during the overload resolution phase, and the function that
provides the best match is the one that is called. |
__super |
base |
MyBase |
__try/__except,__try/__finally |
le cast spécifié ou lève une exception en cas d'échec du cast. |
__try_cast |
a handler method from an event. |
__unhook |
The __uuidof keyword retrieves the GUID
attached to the expression. |
__uuidof |
Un type
__value diffère du type __gc en ce sens que les variables de type __value
contiennent directement des données, tandis que les variables managées
pointent sur des données qui sont stockées dans le tas du Common Language
Runtime. |
__value |
__virtual_inheritance |
The __w64 keyword lets you mark
variables, such that when you compile with /Wp64 the compiler will report any
warnings that would be reported if you were compiling with a 64-bit compiler. |
__w64 |
variable of __wchar_t
designates a wide-character or multibyte character type. By default, wchar_t is a typedef for unsigned short; see /Zc:wchar_t for
more information.Use the L prefix before a character or string constant to
designate the wide-character-type constant. |
__wchar_t, wchar_t |
as |
bool |
bool |
Exit a
boucle for, while. |
break |
break |
byte |
case |
case |
catch |
catch |
checked |
char |
char |
a class |
class |
class |
class |
const |
const |
const |
const_cast |
continue |
continue |
default |
default |
delete |
deprecated |
dim |
The dllexport and dllimport storage-class attributes
are Microsoft-specific extensions to the C and C++ languages. They enable you
to export and import functions, data, and objects to and from a DLL. |
dllexport |
The dllexport and dllimport storage-class attributes
are Microsoft-specific extensions to the C and C++ languages. They enable you
to export and import functions, data, and objects to and from a DLL. |
dllimport |
do |
do |
double |
double |
dynamic_cast |
else |
else |
enum |
enum |
enum |
event |
keyword is a declaration specifier that can only be applied to in-class
constructor declarations. An explicit constructor cannot take part in
implicit conversions. It can only be used to explicitly construct an object. |
explicit |
explicit |
extern |
extern |
false |
false |
finally |
fixed |
float |
float |
for |
for |
foreach |
en dehors de la classe, mais dans le projet (C#, Visual Basic, C++) ou le
package (Java, JScript) |
friend |
friend |
[] |
[] |
getchar |
goto |
goto |
if |
if |
implicite |
The inline and __inline specifiers instruct the compiler to insert a copy of the
function body into each place the function is called. |
inline |
int |
internal |
is |
lock |
long |
long |
keyword can only be applied to non-static and non-const data members of a
class. If a data member is declared mutable, then it is legal to assign a value to this data member from a
const member function. |
mutable |
functions declared with the naked attribute, the compiler generates code without prolog and
epilog code. You can use this feature to write your own prolog/epilog code
sequences using inline assembler code. Naked functions are particularly
useful in writing virtual device drivers. |
naked |
namespace |
namespace |
new |
new |
new |
__declspec(noinline) tells the compiler to never inline a particular member
function (function in a class).It may be worthwhile to not inline a function
if it is small and not critical to the performance of your code. That is, if
the function is small and not likely to be called often, such as a function
that handles an error condition. |
noinline |
This __declspec attribute tells the
compiler that a function does not return. As a consequence, the compiler
knows that the code following a call to a __declspec(noreturn) function is unreachable. |
noreturn |
nothrow |
form of __declspec can be
applied to any class declaration, but should only be applied to pure
interface classes, that is, classes that will never be instantiated on their
own. The __declspec
stops the compiler from generating code to initialize the vfptr in the
constructor(s) and destructor of the class. In many cases, this removes the
only references to the vtable that are associated with the class and, thus,
the linker will remove it. Using this form of __declspec can result in a significant reduction in code size.f you
attempt to instantiate a class marked with novtable and then access a class
member, you will receive an access violation (AV). |
novtable |
object |
null |
Nothing |
operator |
operator |
out |
une fonction ou une méthode (en Visual Basic : surcharger une procédure
ou une méthode) |
overloads |
override |
params |
private |
private |
private |
attribute can be applied to non-static "virtual data members" in a
class or structure definition. The compiler treats these "virtual data
members" as data members by changing their references into function
calls.When the compiler sees a data member declared with this attribute on
the right of a member-selection operator ("." or
"->"), it converts the operation to a get or put function,
depending on whether such an expression is an l-value or an r-value. In more
complicated contexts, such as "+=", a rewrite is performed by doing
both get and put.
property |
protected |
protected |
protected |
public |
public |
public |
readonly |
ref |
register |
reinterpret_cast |
return |
return |
sbyte |
sealed |
selectany tells the compiler that the declared global data item
(variable or object) is a pick-any COMDAT (a packaged function). |
selectany |
short |
short |
signed |
sizeof |
sizeof |
stackalloc |
static |
static |
shared |
static_cast |
string |
struct |
struct |
struct |
switch |
switch |
The template declaration specifies a set
of parameterized classes or functions. |
template |
référence à l'objet en cours |
this |
this |
Me |
The thread extended storage-class
modifier is used to declare a thread local variable. |
thread |
throw |
throw |
true |
true |
try |
try |
typedef |
typedef |
The typeid operator allows the type of
an object to be determined at run time. |
typeid |
The typename keyword tells the compiler
that an unknown identifier is a type. |
typename |
unchecked |
union |
unsigned int |
uint |
unsigned long |
ulong |
unsigned |
using declaration, |
using |
using directive |
unsafe |
unsigned short |
ushort |
compiler attaches a GUID to a class or structure declared or defined (full
COM object definitions only) with the uuid attribute. |
uuid |
une méthode, une propriété (Visual Basic) ou un accesseur de propriété (C#,
C++) virtuel |
virtual |
virtual |
Overridable |
qu'une variable peut contenir un objet dont vous souhaitez gérer les
événements |
WithEvents |
fonction/méthode ne retourne pas de valeur |
void |
void |
sub |
volatile |
volatile |
while |
while |