Collections Collections   Event Events   Property Property   Objects     Methodes Methodes                          
all   all   onabort   onabort   onabort   accessKey accessKey add   add   Font and Text Properties font-family Font and Text Properties font-family Interface  Object  Internet Tools & Technologies action
anchors   anchors   onafterupdate   onafterupdate   action action ACRONYM  ACRONYM  addChannel   addChannel   font-style font-style ICSSFilter No matching object. activeElement
applets   applets   onbeforeunload   onbeforeunload   activeElement activeElement ADDRESS  ADDRESS  addImport   addImport   font-variant font-variant ICSSFilterSite No matching object. This section describes the services and technologies provided with Internet Explorer 4.0 and explains how to exploit them in your own components and applications. align alignement
areas   areas   onbeforeupdate   onbeforeupdate   align align all  all  addReadRequest   addReadRequest   font-weight font-weight IHTMLAnchorElement A
cells   cells   onblur   onblur   align align anchors  anchors  addRule   addRule   font-size font-size IHTMLAreaElement AREA arrowy.gif
Active Desktop Interface
children   children   onbounce   onbounce   align align APPLET  APPLET  alert   alert   @font-face @font-face IHTMLAreasCollection areas
elements   onchange   onchange   align align applets  applets  assign   assign   font font IHTMLBaseElement BASE arrowy.gif
Asynchronous and URL Monikers
embeds   embeds   onclick   onclick   aLink aLink AREA  AREA  back   back   letter-spacing letter-spacing IHTMLBaseFontElement BASEFONT alinkColor
filters   filters   ondataavailable   ondataavailable   alinkColor alinkColor areas  areas  blur   blur   line-height line-height IHTMLBGsound BGSOUND arrowy.gif
Cache Container Tool
forms   forms   ondatasetchanged   ondatasetchanged   alt alt clear   clear   text-decoration text-decoration IHTMLBlockElement No matching object. altHTML
frames   frames   ondatasetcomplete   ondatasetcomplete   altHTML altHTML BASE  BASE  clear   clear   text-transform text-transform IHTMLBodyElement BODY Common Controls
images   images   ondblclick   ondblclick   altKey altKey BASEFONT  BASEFONT  clearInterval   clearInterval   text-align text-align IHTMLBRElement BR appCodeName
imports   imports   ondragstart   ondragstart   appCodeName appCodeName BGSOUND  BGSOUND  clearRequest   clearRequest   text-indent text-indent IHTMLButtonElement BUTTON arrowy.gif
Microsoft CryptoAPI 2.0
links   links   onerror   onerror   appMinorVersion appMinorVersion BIG  BIG  clearTimeout   clearTimeout   vertical-align vertical-align IHTMLCommentElement COMMENT appName
options   options   onerrorupdate   onerrorupdate   appName appName BLOCKQUOTE  BLOCKQUOTE  click   click   Color and Background Properties color Color and Background Properties color IHTMLControlElement No matching object. arrowy.gif
Microsoft DirectX Media SDK
plugins   plugins   onfilterchange   onfilterchange   appVersion appVersion BODY   BODY   close   close   background-color background-color IHTMLControlRange No matching object. availHeight
rows   rows   onfinish   onfinish   availHeight availHeight BR  BR  close   close   background-image background-image IHTMLDatabinding No matching object. arrowy.gif
Hit Logging API
rules   rules   onfocus   onfocus   availWidth availWidth BUTTON  BUTTON  collapse   collapse   background-repeat background-repeat IHTMLDDElement DD backColor
scripts   scripts   onhelp   onhelp   background background CAPTION  CAPTION  compareEndPoints   compareEndPoints   background-attachment background-attachment IHTMLDialog window HTML Clipboard Format
styleSheets   styleSheets   onkeydown   onkeydown   background background cells  cells  confirm   confirm   background-position background-position IHTMLDivElement DIV background
tbodies   tbodies   onkeypress   onkeypress   background background CENTER  CENTER  contains   contains   background background IHTMLDivPosition No matching object. arrowy.gif
HTMLHelp API Reference
onkeyup   onkeyup   backgroundAttachment backgroundAttachment children  children  createCaption   createCaption   Layout Properties margin-top Layout Properties margin-top IHTMLDListElement DL backgroundAttachment
onload   onload   backgroundColor backgroundColor CITE  CITE  createElement   createElement   margin-right margin-right IHTMLDocument document arrowy.gif
onmousedown   onmousedown   backgroundImage backgroundImage CODE  CODE  createRange   createRange   margin-bottom margin-bottom IHTMLDocument2 document backgroundImage
onmousemove   onmousemove   backgroundPosition backgroundPosition COL  COL  createStyleSheet   createStyleSheet   margin-left margin-left IHTMLDTElement DT arrowy.gif
IE4/MSHTML Data Binding Interfaces
onmouseout   onmouseout   backgroundPositionX backgroundPositionX COLGROUP  COLGROUP  createTextRange   createTextRange   margin margin IHTMLElement All element objects. backgroundPositionX
onmouseover   onmouseover   backgroundPositionY backgroundPositionY COMMENT  COMMENT  createTFoot   createTFoot   padding-top padding-top IHTMLElementCollection elements arrowy.gif
Information Delivery API
onmouseup   onmouseup   backgroundRepeat backgroundRepeat DD  DD  createTHead   createTHead   padding-right padding-right IHTMLEmbedElement No matching object. backgroundRepeat
onreadystatechange   onreadystatechange   balance balance DEL  DEL  deleteCaption   deleteCaption   padding-bottom padding-bottom IHTMLEventObj event arrowy.gif
Microsoft Internet Component Download
onreset   onreset   behavior behavior DFN   DFN   deleteCell   deleteCell   padding-left padding-left IHTMLFieldSetElement FIELDSET behavior
onresize   onresize   bgColor bgColor DIR   DIR   deleteRow   deleteRow   padding padding IHTMLFiltersCollection filters arrowy.gif
Internet Explorer Address Book
onrowenter   onrowenter   bgColor bgColor DIV  DIV  deleteTFoot   deleteTFoot   border-top-width border-top-width IHTMLFontElement FONT
onrowexit   onrowexit   bgProperties bgProperties DL   DL   deleteTHead   deleteTHead   border-right-width border-right-width IHTMLFontNamesCollection No matching object. arrowy.gif
Internet Mail and News Registry Layout
onscroll   onscroll   border border document   document   doReadRequest   doReadRequest   border-bottom-width border-bottom-width IHTMLFontSizesCollection No matching object. border
onselect   onselect   border border DT  DT  duplicate   duplicate   border-left-width border-left-width IHTMLFormElement FORM arrowy.gif
Internet Ratings
onselectstart   onselectstart   border border elements   elements   elementFromPoint   elementFromPoint   border-width border-width IHTMLFrameBase No matching object.
onstart   onstart   borderBottom borderBottom EM   EM   empty   empty   border-top-color border-top-color IHTMLFrameElement FRAME arrowy.gif
Internet Shortcuts API Reference
onsubmit   onsubmit   borderBottomColor borderBottomColor EMBED  EMBED  execCommand   execCommand   border-right-color border-right-color IHTMLFramesCollection2 frames borderBottomColor
onunload   onunload   borderBottomStyle borderBottomStyle embeds   embeds   execScript   execScript   border-bottom-color border-bottom-color IHTMLFrameSetElement FRAMESET arrowy.gif
Offline Browsing
borderBottomWidth borderBottomWidth event   event   expand   expand   border-left-color border-left-color IHTMLHeaderElement H1 through H6 borderBottomWidth
borderColor borderColor external  external  findText   findText   border-color border-color IHTMLHRElement HR arrowy.gif
Open Software Description (OSD)
borderColor borderColor FIELDSET  FIELDSET  focus   focus   border-top-style border-top-style IHTMLIFrameElement IFRAME borderColor
borderColorDark borderColorDark filters   filters   forward   forward   border-right-style border-right-style IHTMLImageElementFactory No matching object. arrowy.gif
Pluggable Protocols
borderColorLight borderColorLight FONT   FONT   getAttribute   getAttribute   border-bottom-style border-bottom-style IHTMLImgElement Common properties of IMG and INPUT of type image borderColorLight
borderLeft borderLeft FORM  FORM  getAttribute   getAttribute   border-left-style border-left-style IHTMLInputButtonElement INPUT of type reset or submit arrowy.gif
Predefined Protocols
borderLeftColor borderLeftColor forms   forms   getBookmark   getBookmark   border-style border-style IHTMLInputFileElement INPUT of type file borderLeftColor
borderLeftStyle borderLeftStyle FRAME   FRAME   go   go   border-top border-top IHTMLInputHiddenElement INPUT of type hidden arrowy.gif
Programming the Document Object Model from C/C++
borderLeftWidth borderLeftWidth frames  frames  inRange   inRange   border-right border-right IHTMLInputImage INPUT of type image borderLeftWidth
borderRight borderRight FRAMESET   FRAMESET   insertAdjacentHTML   insertAdjacentHTML   border-bottom border-bottom IHTMLInputTextElement INPUT of type text arrowy.gif
Reusing the WebBrowser and MSHTML
borderRightColor borderRightColor H1   H1   insertAdjacentText   insertAdjacentText   border-left border-left IHTMLIsIndexElement ISINDEX borderRightColor
borderRightStyle borderRightStyle H2  H2  insertCell   insertCell   border border IHTMLLabelElement LABEL arrowy.gif
Microsoft Script Debugger for Internet Explorer
borderRightWidth borderRightWidth H3   H3   insertRow   insertRow   float float IHTMLLegendElement LEGEND borderRightWidth
borderStyle borderStyle H4   H4   isEqual   isEqual   clear clear IHTMLLIElement LI Task Scheduler API
borderTop borderTop H5  H5  isSubscribed   isSubscribed   Classification Properties display Classification Properties display IHTMLLinkElement LINK borderTop
borderTopColor borderTopColor H6   H6   item   item   list-style-type list-style-type IHTMLListElement Common properties of OL and UL arrowy.gif
URL Security Zones
borderTopStyle borderTopStyle HEAD   HEAD   javaEnabled   javaEnabled   list-style-image list-style-image IHTMLLocation location borderTopStyle
borderTopWidth borderTopWidth history  history  move   move   list-style-position list-style-position IHTMLMapElement MAP arrowy.gif
Microsoft Web Publishing SDK
borderWidth borderWidth HR   HR   moveBy   moveBy   list-style list-style IHTMLMarqueeElement MARQUEE borderWidth
bottomMargin bottomMargin HTML   HTML   moveEnd   moveEnd   Positioning Properties clip Positioning Properties clip IHTMLMetaElement META arrowy.gif
Windows Scripting Host
boundingHeight boundingHeight moveStart   moveStart   height height IHTMLMimeTypesCollection No matching object. boundingHeight
boundingLeft boundingLeft IFRAME  IFRAME  moveTo   moveTo   left left IHTMLNextIdElement NEXTID Windows Shell API
boundingTop boundingTop images  images  moveToBookmark   moveToBookmark   overflow overflow IHTMLNoShowElement No matching object. boundingTop
boundingWidth boundingWidth IMG   IMG   moveToElementText   moveToElementText   position position IHTMLObjectElement OBJECT arrowy.gif
WinInet API
browserLanguage browserLanguage INPUT  INPUT  moveToPoint   moveToPoint   top top IHTMLOListElement OL browserLanguage
bufferDepth bufferDepth INS  INS  navigate   navigate   visibility visibility IHTMLOpsProfile userProfile arrowy.gif
XML Object Model
button button KBD  KBD  nextPage   nextPage   width width IHTMLOptionButtonElement INPUT of type radio button
cancelBubble cancelBubble LABEL  LABEL  open   open   z-index z-index IHTMLOptionElement OPTION cancelBubble
caption caption LEGEND  LEGEND  open   open   Printing Properties page-break-before Printing Properties page-break-before IHTMLOptionElementFactory No matching object. caption
cellIndex cellIndex LI  LI  parentElement   parentElement   page-break-after page-break-after IHTMLOptionsHolder No matching object. cellIndex
cellPadding cellPadding LINK  LINK  pasteHTML   pasteHTML   Filter Properties filter Filter Properties filter IHTMLParaElement P cellPadding
cellSpacing cellSpacing links  links  previousPage   previousPage   Pseudo-Classes and Other Properties active Pseudo-Classes and Other Properties active IHTMLPhraseElement No matching object. cellSpacing
charset charset LISTING  LISTING  prompt   prompt   hover hover IHTMLPluginsCollection EMBED charset
checked checked location  location  queryCommandEnabled   queryCommandEnabled   @import @import IHTMLRuleStyle style checked
classid classid MAP  MAP  queryCommandIndeterm   queryCommandIndeterm   !important !important IHTMLScreen screen chartype
className className MARQUEE  MARQUEE  queryCommandState   queryCommandState   cursor cursor IHTMLScriptElement SCRIPT classid
clear clear MENU  MENU  queryCommandSupported   queryCommandSupported   link link IHTMLSelectElement SELECT className
clear clear META  META  queryCommandValue   queryCommandValue   visited visited IHTMLSelectionObject selection clear
clientHeight clientHeight navigator  navigator  refresh   refresh   Unsupported CSS Attributes  word-spacing Unsupported CSS Attributes  word-spacing IHTMLSpanFlow SPAN clear
clientInformation clientInformation NEXTID  NEXTID  reload   reload   first-letter pseudo first-letter pseudo IHTMLStyle style clientHeight
clientLeft clientLeft OBJECT  OBJECT  remove   remove   first-line pseudo first-line pseudo IHTMLStyleElement STYLE clientInformation
clientTop clientTop OL  OL  removeAttribute   removeAttribute   white-space white-space IHTMLStyleSheet styleSheet clientLeft
clientWidth clientWidth OPTION  OPTION  replace   replace   IHTMLStyleSheetRule styleSheet clientTop
clientX clientX options  options  reset   reset   IHTMLStyleSheetRulesCollection styleSheets clientWidth
clientY clientY resizeBy   resizeBy   IHTMLStyleSheetsCollection styleSheets clientX
clip clip PLAINTEXT  PLAINTEXT  resizeTo   resizeTo   IHTMLTable TABLE clientY
closed closed plugins  plugins  scroll   scroll   IHTMLTableCaption CAPTION clip
code code PRE  PRE  scrollBy   scrollBy   IHTMLTableCell TD and TH closed
codeBase codeBase scrollIntoView   scrollIntoView   IHTMLTableCol COL and COLGROUP code
codeBase codeBase rows  rows  scrollTo   scrollTo   IHTMLTableRow TR codeBase
codeType codeType rules  rules  select   select   IHTMLTableSection TBODY, THEAD, and TFOOT
color color select   select   IHTMLTextAreaElement TEXTAREA codeType
color color SAMP  SAMP  setAttribute   setAttribute   IHTMLTextContainer No matching object. color
colorDepth colorDepth screen  screen  setEndPoint   setEndPoint   IHTMLTextElement No matching object. color
cols cols SCRIPT  SCRIPT  setInterval   setInterval   IHTMLTitleElement TITLE colorDepth
cols cols scripts   scripts   setTimeout   setTimeout   IHTMLTxtRange TextRange cols
cols cols SELECT  SELECT  showHelp   showHelp   IHTMLUListElement UL
colSpan colSpan selection  selection  showModalDialog   showModalDialog   IHTMLUnknownElement No matching object.
compact compact SMALL  SMALL  start   start   IHTMLWindow2 window colSpan
complete complete SPAN  SPAN  stop   stop   IOmHistory history compact
connectionSpeed connectionSpeed STRIKE  STRIKE  submit   submit   IOmNavigator navigator complete
content content STRONG  STRONG  tags   tags   connectionSpeed
cookie cookie style  style  taintEnabled   taintEnabled   content
cookieEnabled cookieEnabled STYLE  STYLE  write   write   cookie
coords coords styleSheet  styleSheet  writeln   writeln   Up
 Top of Page
cpuClass cpuClass styleSheets  styleSheets  zOrder   zOrder   ©  coords
cssText cssText SUB  SUB  cpuClass
ctrlKey ctrlKey SUP  SUP  cssText
cursor cursor TABLE  TABLE  ctrlKey
data data TBODY  TBODY  cursor
dataFld dataFld TD  TD  data
dataFormatAs dataFormatAs TEXTAREA  TEXTAREA  dataFld
dataPageSize dataPageSize TextRange  TextRange  dataFormatAs
dataSrc dataSrc TFOOT  TFOOT  dataPageSize
defaultCharset defaultCharset TH  TH  dataSrc
defaultChecked defaultChecked THEAD  THEAD  defaultCharset
defaultSelected defaultSelected TITLE  TITLE  defaultChecked
defaultStatus defaultStatus TR  TR  defaultSelected
defaultValue defaultValue TT  TT  defaultStatus
defer defer defaultValue
defer defer UL  UL  defer
dialogArguments dialogArguments userProfile  userProfile  defer
dialogHeight dialogHeight VAR  VAR  dialogArguments
dialogLeft dialogLeft window  window  dialogHeight
dialogTop dialogTop XMP  XMP  dialogLeft
dialogWidth dialogWidth dialogTop
direction direction dialogWidth
disabled disabled direction
disabled disabled disabled
display display disabled
domain domain display
dynsrc dynsrc domain
encoding encoding dynsrc
event event encoding
expando expando event
face face expando
fgColor fgColor face
fileCreatedDate fileCreatedDate fgColor
fileModifiedDate fileModifiedDate fileCreatedDate
fileSize fileSize fileModifiedDate
fileUpdatedDate fileUpdatedDate fileSize
filter filter fileUpdatedDate
font font filter
fontFamily fontFamily font
fontSize fontSize fontFamily
fontSmoothingEnabled fontSmoothingEnabled fontSize
fontStyle fontStyle fontSmoothingEnabled
fontVariant fontVariant fontStyle
fontWeight fontWeight fontVariant
form form fontWeight
frame frame form
frameBorder frameBorder frame
frameSpacing frameSpacing frameBorder
fromElement fromElement frameSpacing
hash hash fromElement
height height hash
height height height
height height height
hidden hidden height
host host hidden
hostname hostname host
href href hostname
href href href
href href href
href href href
hspace hspace href
htmlFor htmlFor hspace
htmlFor htmlFor htmlFor
htmlText htmlText htmlFor
httpEquiv httpEquiv htmlText
id id httpEquiv
indeterminate indeterminate id
index index indeterminate
innerHTML innerHTML index
innerText innerText innerHTML
isMap isMap innerText
isTextEdit isTextEdit isMap
keyCode keyCode isTextEdit
lang lang keyCode
language language lang
lastModified lastModified largeChange
left left language
leftMargin leftMargin lastModified
length length left
letterSpacing letterSpacing leftMargin
lineHeight lineHeight length
link link letterSpacing
linkColor linkColor lineHeight
listStyle listStyle link
listStyleImage listStyleImage linkColor
listStylePosition listStylePosition listStyle
listStyleType listStyleType listStyleImage
location location listStylePosition
loop loop listStyleType
lowsrc lowsrc location
map map loop
margin margin lowsrc
marginBottom marginBottom map
marginHeight marginHeight margin
marginLeft marginLeft marginBottom
marginRight marginRight marginHeight
marginTop marginTop marginLeft
marginWidth marginWidth marginRight
maxLength maxLength marginTop
media media marginWidth
method method maxLength maxLength
Methods Methods max
mimeTypes mimeTypes media
multiple multiple method
name name Methods
name name mimeTypes
noHref noHref min
noResize noResize multiple
noShade noShade multiLine
noWrap noWrap name
object object name
offscreenBuffering offscreenBuffering noHref
offsetHeight offsetHeight noResize
offsetLeft offsetLeft noShade
offsetParent offsetParent noWrap
offsetTop offsetTop object
offsetWidth offsetWidth offscreenBuffering
offsetX offsetX offsetHeight
offsetY offsetY offsetLeft
onLine onLine offsetParent
opener opener offsetTop
outerHTML outerHTML offsetWidth
outerText outerText offsetX
overflow overflow offsetY
owningElement owningElement onLine
padding padding opener
paddingBottom paddingBottom outerHTML
paddingLeft paddingLeft outerText
paddingRight paddingRight overflow
paddingTop paddingTop owningElement
pageBreakAfter pageBreakAfter padding
pageBreakBefore pageBreakBefore paddingBottom
palette palette paddingLeft
parent parent paddingRight
parentElement parentElement paddingTop
parentStyleSheet parentStyleSheet pageBreakAfter
parentTextEdit parentTextEdit pageBreakBefore
parentWindow parentWindow palette
pathname pathname parent
pixelHeight pixelHeight parentElement
pixelLeft pixelLeft parentStyleSheet
pixelTop pixelTop parentTextEdit
pixelWidth pixelWidth parentWindow
platform platform password
plugins plugins pathname
pluginspage pluginspage pixelHeight
port port pixelLeft
posHeight posHeight pixelTop
position position pixelWidth
posLeft posLeft platform
posTop posTop plugins
posWidth posWidth pluginspage
protocol protocol port
readOnly readOnly posHeight
readOnly readOnly position
readyState readyState posLeft
reason reason posTop
recordNumber recordNumber posWidth
recordset recordset Property
referrer referrer protocol
rel rel readOnly
returnValue returnValue readOnly
returnValue returnValue readyState
rev rev reason
rightMargin rightMargin recordNumber
rowIndex rowIndex recordset
rows rows referrer
rows rows rel
rowSpan rowSpan returnValue
rules rules returnValue
screenX screenX rev
screenY screenY rightMargin
scroll scroll rowIndex
scrollAmount scrollAmount rows
scrollDelay scrollDelay rows
scrollHeight scrollHeight rowSpan
scrolling scrolling rules
scrollLeft scrollLeft screenX
scrollTop scrollTop screenY
scrollWidth scrollWidth scroll scrollBars
search search scrollAmount
sectionRowIndex sectionRowIndex scrollDelay
selected selected scrollHeight
selectedIndex selectedIndex scrolling
self self scrollLeft
shape shape scrollTop
shiftKey shiftKey scrollWidth
size size search
size size sectionRowIndex
size size selected
sourceIndex sourceIndex selectedIndex
span span self
src src shape
src src shiftKey
src src size
srcElement srcElement size
srcFilter srcFilter size
start start
start start smallChange
status status sourceIndex
status status span
style style src
styleFloat styleFloat srcElement
systemLanguage systemLanguage srcFilter
tabIndex tabIndex start
tagName tagName start
target target status
text text status
text text style
text text styleFloat
text text systemLanguage
textAlign textAlign tabIndex
textDecoration textDecoration tagName
textDecorationBlink textDecorationBlink target
textDecorationLineThrough textDecorationLineThrough text
textDecorationNone textDecorationNone textAlign
textDecorationOverline textDecorationOverline textDecoration
textDecorationUnderline textDecorationUnderline textDecorationBlink
textIndent textIndent textDecorationLineThrough
textTransform textTransform textDecorationNone
tfoot tfoot textDecorationOverline
thead thead textDecorationUnderline
title title textIndent
title title textTransform
toElement toElement tfoot
top top thead
top top title
topMargin topMargin title
trueSpeed trueSpeed toElement
type type top
type type top
type type topMargin
type type trueSpeed
type type type
type type type
type type type
type type type
type type type
units units type
updateInterval updateInterval type
url url type
url url type
urn urn units
useMap useMap updateInterval
userAgent userAgent url
userLanguage userLanguage url
vAlign vAlign urn
vAlign vAlign useMap
value value userAgent
value value userLanguage
value value vAlign
verticalAlign verticalAlign vAlign
visibility visibility value
vLink vLink value
vlinkColor vlinkColor value
volume volume verticalAlign
vspace vspace visibility
width width vLink
width width vlinkColor
width width volume
wrap wrap vspace
x x width
y y
zIndex zIndex
wrap worldWrap