C++ C# COM java Jscript jscript,net VB VB,net VBA VBScript ASP SQL DELPHI HTML  
Returns a reference to the collection of elements contained by the object. all 
Retrieves a collection of all a objects that have a name and/or id property. Objects in this collection are in HTML source order. A anchors 
Retrieves a collection of all applet objects in the document. applets
Retrieves a collection of the area objects defined for the given map object IHTMLAreasCollection areas
Retrieves a collection of attributes of the object. APPLET  attributes
Returns a collection of Uniform Resource Name (URN) strings identifying the behaviors attached to the element. AREAS behaviorUrns
Retrieves a collection of strings that specify the names of the available block format tags. blockFormats
Returns a collection of Microsoft® ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO) bookmarks tied to the rows affected by the current event. bookmarks
Returns a collection of all elements on the page bound to a data set. boundElements
Retrieves a collection of all cells in the table row or in the entire table. cells 
Retrieves a collection of HTML Elements and TextNode objects that are direct descendants of the specified object. childNodes
Retrieves a collection of DHTML Objects that are direct descendants of the object. children
A collection of elements returned by the createControlRange or createRange method. CITE  controlRange
  IHTMLElementCollection elements
  EMBED  embeds  
  IHTMLFiltersCollection FIELDSET  filters
  IHTMLFormElement FORM forms  
  IHTMLFramesCollection2 FRAME frames
  IMG   images 
Retrieves a collection of all the imported style sheets defined for the respective styleSheet object. imports  
  IHTMLLinkElement LINK links 
Retrieves a collection of rules defined in a style sheet. rules 
  IHTMLScriptElement SCRIPT scripts  
Retrieves a collection of styleSheet objects representing the style sheets that correspond to each instance of a link or style object in the document. IHTMLStyleSheetRulesCollection styleSheets
Retrieves a collection of all tBody  tBodies  
Retrieves a collection of namespace objects. namespaces
Retrieves a collection of page objects, which represent @page rules in a styleSheet. pages
Retrieves a collection of TextRange objects. textRange
A collection of TextRectangle objects returned by the getClientRects method. textRectangle
valeur minimum d'un clic
ordre de tabulation
lien hypertext visité
adaptation horizontal ou verticale